Office of Student Life

Buckeye Leadership Fellows Program


This is a creative space updated occassionally with program news as well as short reflection posts by the Fellows. Posts will reflect on current activities and events happening in the Buckeye Leadership Fellows Program. 

  • Board Member Spotlight: Devin Graham

    06/3/24 by Staff

    BLF Board Member Devin Graham shares her story, from her roots in Cleveland through her time at Ohio State and her career path thus far. Check out our latest Board Member Spotlight to learn more! 

  • Alumni Spotlight: Lauryn DeLuca PLY

    03/22/24 by Staff

    Lauryn DeLuca PLY is a graduate of '22 with a Bachelor's in Child and Youth Studies and a minor in Disability Studies. Lauryn is currently in LA28's Olympian and Paralympian Fellowship, assisting with the planning for LA's third Olympic games and first Paralympic games. The fellowship provides meaningful career development opportunities and positive change in retired athletes’ lives. These athletes and para-athletes are in the rooms to make decisions and utilize their skills learned through athletics upon entering corporate life.

  • BLF Talks: Matthew Davis

    03/4/24 by Staff

    Matthew Davis from BLF '17 provides insight on where he is at in his life and reflects back to his favorite key takeways from being in BLF. 

  • BLF Talks: A Conversation with Ernest Levert Jr.

    02/27/24 by Staff

    Last week, BLF Assistant Director Mike Jones had the opportunity to talk with BLF alumnus Ernest Levert Jr., Founding Director of The Royal Oak Initiative in Columbus, Ohio. When it comes to Black-led businesses in our community, Ernest and his team are a shining example of the power of community and turning passion into purpose. Check out the highlights from the conversation! 

    "Don't let the fear of losing keep you from winning."

  • A Word from the Wise - Sahiti Tamirisakandala

    04/26/21 by Staff

    The “regular” routines of a college student have drastically changed in the past year. Every day, students like me do the same exact things with very little variation: wake up, go to class, do homework, go to sleep. It’s an endless loop that has allowed me to develop some pretty bad habits. Habits like leaving dishes in my room for two or three days. Habits like accidentally talking over people in a zoom meeting and then refusing the speak up again. Habits like constantly brainstorming what lies I can come up with to avoid turning on my camera in class. Slowly these habits are beginning to feel like my new personality emerging from being secluded all the time. Because of this, I am constantly upset with myself for not being the same person I was last year and for letting the uncertainty around me impact me to this degree.

  • A Word from the Wise - Minji Jeong

    04/20/21 by Staff

    What is the best piece of advice a mentor or mentor figure has given you? How has this advice impacted your life, decisions, and/or goals?

    A few names and advice crossed my mind as I was thinking about mentors. But the person that’s had the most impact on me as a person has always been my mom. Besides her positive outlook on life, open-mindedness, quirky dance moves, and so many more, she has taught me the most important thing that always has been and will be an anchor in my life.

    “No matter what the result is, even if you don’t do well, it’s always okay as long as you tried your best.” This was one thing she would always remind me and my brother of since we were little kids. In South Korea, which is where I grew up until my freshman year of high school, academics are extremely competitive from a young age. Higher education is regarded as a high priority for Koreans and a lot of people’s lives revolve around education. Academic success is heavily emphasized as it does propel a great number of aspects of life such as socioeconomic status, social prejudice, and even marriage prospects. This often leads to children and teenagers facing a great amount of societal pressure to succeed academically and even to unethical actions. Growing up, I did feel this societal pressure to be the best in school and go to the best college possible, but my mom always reminded me to not define myself by a grade. Furthermore, her advice led me to be driven by my motivations and not by anyone else’s.

    This also prompted me to constantly try new things with less fear. I won’t lie and say that I don’t get scared at all when facing a new challenge, but what my mom has taught me transformed how I view and cope with failure. I shift my focus to the process rather than the results even if I don’t get the outcome I desired. I learned to give myself a short amount of time to be emotional, rant, or whatever I need to do to let it out then quickly shift to reflecting on my actions and improvement areas. Even if I tried my hardest and failed, I always took away something from that experience. This helped me to move on without feeling disappointed in myself and to continue to challenge myself.

    At a lot of moments in our lives, we’re pressured to be the best while the amount of effort we put in doesn’t always get much spotlight. My mom has always taught me to value my process over results even if others value my results over process.