Office of Student Life

Buckeye Leadership Fellows Program

BLF in the Community

Each semester, Buckeye Leadership Fellows partners with up to two non-profit organizations supporting causes our Fellows care about. We are always looking to build new relationships with local non-profits. If your organization would like to work with us, let's start the conversation! Please reach out to us at

St. Vincent Family Services

At Buckeye Leadership Fellows, one of our pillars is to leave everything better than we found it. When we recruit Fellows for a new BLF cohort, we are looking for change agents and leaders with servant hearts striving to make a positive difference. At the beginning of their experience, our Fellows are asked to identify the social causes that are most important to them. This year, one of those causes was the health and well-being of youth in our community. As a result, we were fortunate to partner with the amazing team at St. Vincent Family Services, a residential and daytime mental and behavioral health treatment center that serves youth in the foster system with many of the children who cannot be placed with families living on site.

In September 2023, we co-hosted a Field Day at their facility, with our Fellows planning and leading a variety of indoor and outdoor activities with their kids. The smiles on their faces and the relationships that were built that day was the start of something amazing. In October, we were able to work with them once again to host a Trunk or Treat event, providing an opportunity for their kids to experience a true Trick-or-Treat, some for the first time. Thanks to our amazing friends of BLF, we were able to fill their parking lot with cars handing out candy, creating a truly memorable experience for their kids. Thank you to everyone who supported this initiative! We cannot wait to continue working with St. Vincent and other non-profits in the area.