Office of Student Life

International Travel

BLF '26 in Argentina

The 2026 cohort is heading to Argentina in March! Follow us on Instagram @buckeyefellows to see what we're up to and check back for a trip recap this spring. 

BLF '25 in Europe

At the end of March, the 2025 Cohort had the opportunity to travel internationally to Switzerland and Italy, with stops in Zurich, Milan, and Geneva. The trip focused on company and culture while challenging our Fellows to get out of their comfort zone and expand their worldview. During their time abroad, they met with industry leaders, visited companies like FIFA, Mettler Toledo, and CERN, connected with BLF Alumni, and immersed themselves in the culture of each city. 

Zurich, Switzerland Highlights: 

  • FIFA Headquarters visit, presentation, and tour
  • Mettler-Toledo International, Inc production tour and presentation with BLF Alumna Holly Nurre and OSU Alumnus Clark Templeton
  • BLF dinner at the Top of Zurich with mountaintop views of the Swiss Alps

Milan, Italy Highlights:

Geneva, Switzerland Highlights:

  • CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
  • Time to explore culture and landmarks throughout the city 

We asked our Fellows to share the most impactful parts of the trip, and here is what a few of them had to say: 

"My favorite parts of the trip were being able to culturally immerse myself with the countries. I love being able to explore on my own and make connections with total strangers. I had a lot of great interactions with locals. The most impactful piece of the trip was being able to become closer with some of my other cohort members."

"The company visits in Milan were amazing because they challenged me to reconsider what all I may be capable of in the future. Hearing from people who grew to be so successful and who really molded their own career was super inspiring and gave me hope that I can someday do the same."

"Matteo’s speech had a big impact on me even though I’m not interested in the fashion industry. I felt like I related to him a lot because of how he talked about feeling like he was at rock bottom and how he built his business up from there. Overall, sightseeing and spending time with everyone was amazing. I feel so much closer to people I wasn’t close with before and am grateful to know them."

"I enjoyed spending time with friends in the cohort that I don't get to see often outside of BLF. I think being able to experience a different place, culture, and people was very eye opening and an experience I will never forget."

This trip would not be possible without the support of the BLF Network and the help of industry professionals. A special thanks to:

  • Special Events Global Specialist at FIFA, Emanuel Femminis
  • OSU alumnus Clark Templeton and BLF alumna Holly Nurre at Mettler Toledo
  • Valerio Cometti, the CEO of V12 Design
  • Matteo Ward at Candiani Denim and member of Fashion Revolution Italia 
  • Dr. Pablo Garcia Tello at CERN
  • Co-creator of the worldwide web, Robert Cailliau

Last but certainly not least, thank you to our BLF donors and board members. Without your contributions to this program, this experience would not have been possible.