Office of Student Life

Sanjana Chidambaram

  • Title: Senior Analyst at Huron Consulting Group

Professional Experience: Senior Analyst at Huron Consulting Group

Location: Chicago, IL

Hometown: Dublin, OH

Major(s): Finance

Minor(s): English

OSU Involvement: The Honors Cohort Program; Students for Educational Equity-Events Chair; Buckeye Undergraduate Consulting Club; TEDxOhioStateUniversity; Buckeyes Blog

Favorite Quote: “When I dare to be powerful-to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ~ Audre Lorde

After stumbling into a plethora of interests in college -- creative writing, women's studies, education, consulting, Hamilton -- Sanjana is now working to pursue a career in economic development, most likely in financial inclusion. In college, she's pioneered "What Glass Ceiling?", a high school business development program with an emphasis on women in business. She's served as President of Students for Educational Equity, leading the organization for March For Our Lives on campus and educating campus on issues such as school choice, district hopping, and ed policies. She realizes she needs a back-up plan post-grad, which is currently to live in the woods and write a book. She's heard that works.