Abby Nichter
Hometown: Worthington, OH
Major(s): Computer Engineering
OSU Involvement: Society of Women Engineers-Education Co-Director
Favorite Quote: "I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is there all the time." - Anna Freud
Abby will pursue a career in electronics, hoping to travel for several years of her career, and plans to eventually return to university for her MBA after a few years in industry. She hopes to have a career that will allow her to spend time exploring the outdoors and as much of the world as she can. Abby intends to become a certified yoga instructor so that in addition to expanding her own practice, she can help to create an inclusive environment in the yoga community. Outside of these activities, Abby also enjoys exploring new restaurants, paddle-boarding with her dog, Phoebe, and finding new recipes to try!