Office of Student Life

Ohio State Students Using Sophisticated Technology to Raise Funds for Charity

October 9, 2014

As part of their fall semester leadership challenge, students in the Buckeye Leadership Fellows Program (BLF) will be working with Targeted Victory (TV), a political consulting and fundraising firm based in Washington DC, to leverage TV’s sophisticated software to help area non-profits and other causes raise money.  

BLF’s Leadership Challenges use a “Problem Based Learning” model to train students on how to understand and process complex issues and problems that may not have a clear answer.  Over a dozen leadership challenges have been completed by BLF students in partnership with a variety of business, non-profits and other agencies.

Over the next 8 weeks, teams of Buckeye Leadership Fellows are challenged to raise as much money as possible for a charity or cause their choice using the resources and knowledge provided by Targeted Victory.  Students will do research and choose one charity or cause that agrees to participate. They will then set a fundraising goal and work toward achieving it by the end of the challenge.  The students will present their work to a team of professionals at the TV offices in DC in November for feedback and then present final results in December.

Over the course of the challenge students will:

  • Better understand the work of Targeted Victory and other fundraising groups
  • Learn about effective fundraising – particularly digital marketing strategies
  • Research and connect with non-profits
  • Understand teamwork
  • Practice seeking information from a network of available resources
  • Establish and meet a goal

“We are thrilled to be able to introduce our students to one of the most recognized political consulting firms in the country.  They will learn a variety of important skills that will enhance their abilities regardless of what career they are pursuing and develop relationships with dynamic group professionals at an exciting company --all while making an important impact in our community.” said Edward Pauline, director of the BLF program.

"It's an honor to invite current students to work with the team we've assembled here at Targeted Victory," said co-founder, and Ohio State Alumnus, Michael Beach. "We're proud to introduce future leaders - and Buckeyes, no less - to some of the most advanced digital marketing and fundraising techniques available, especially when it benefits a variety of charitable organizations. All of us here are looking forward to working with the Buckeye Leadership Fellows program."

About the Buckeye Leadership Fellows Program

The Buckeye Leadership Fellows Program is the premier leadership development experience within the Office of Student Life at Ohio State. This rigorous, two-year, multidisciplinary cohort program takes undergraduate students through intensive personal, professional, and leadership development experiences and is powered, funded, and programmed by Ohio State alumni, community supporters, and the Office of Student Life.  For more information, please visit

About Targeted Victory

Targeted Victory (TV) is a leader in online advertising, online fundraising, email marketing, and integrated data management for political candidates and causes. Along with technology services, TV provides strategic digital campaign management and comprehensive web design and development services. All clients are provided with a custom strategy to best achieve organizational goals, incorporating a combination of Targeted Victory’s core services and other solutions that fit client needs. For more information, please visit