Office of Student Life

Finding Hope Amongst the Chaos - Kate Gomez

November 9, 2020

What is your reaction to COVID-19 and how has it personally impacted you and/or your plans?

I think it’s fair to say that, like the rest of the world, I am hurting because of COVID-19 and its effects. I left my Spring Break trip to close my sorority house for summer break while it was snowing, and I headed home. Over the next four months, I slowly lost hope for a normal return to school in August. Before the COVID-19 pandemic began, I did not think I would get a chance to live under one roof with my four younger siblings, parents and dog again. I was able to find light in those moments. I was able to spend quality time with my family and was able to take a step back and appreciate the smaller things in life that are easy to miss in the chaos of daily life. Family dinner is something that always helps me reset and re-ground myself. This has been a staple in my large family for my entire life and since going to college, I have grown to miss this quality time with my parents and siblings.

While the world was shutting down, I had to adapt my busy body personality and make something out of nothing. My heart was hurting for children who were trapped in their homes and unable to enjoy the pleasures of childhood and the reward of interactions with those outside their homes. Many children could not fully understand the reasons behind this new lifestyle, and I wanted to provide a sense of normalcy, while also giving these parents a break from the constant care. This is what led me to create my own summer program for kids, Queue Academy where I was able to host socially distant individualized camps. Camp lesson plans included everything from intellectually stimulating activities such as safety camp and science experiments, to the simple pleasure of water balloon fights and arts and crafts. Each activity was tailored to the individual needs and desires of the small group.

Just as I was getting comfortable with my new routine at home, I had to start over and find a new sense of normalcy on campus. With the new requirements of social distancing and online learning, this transition was even more challenging than I think anyone had expected. Through all hardships, there comes new opportunities and lessons to be learned. Throughout all of the ups and downs of this COVID-19 pandemic, it has allowed to find strength in myself.

What is your biggest lesson learned from dealing with COVID-19 and its unique effects?

In the past year, I have had more hands-on experience leading through crisis than I ever thought someone my age would get. The biggest lesson I have learned is the power of togetherness. At the end of day, we are all humans and we want the same things: love, security, support, happiness. While we are physically apart at this time, we find new and creative ways to come together. Come together to stand in other corners, be other cheerleaders and advocates. The isolation that has come from this pandemic has left many to feel alone and trapped in their own struggles for finding mental security and well-being. Now is the time to sit back, listen, and to treat each other with patience and kindness in order to avoid any further divisiveness.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for fellow Buckeyes during this time?

While we are physically apart at this time, we must remain together. Be kind and seek opportunity.