Office of Student Life

Finding Hope Amongst the Chaos - Connor Rash

October 22, 2020

What is your reaction to COVID-19 and how has it personally impacted you and/or your plans?

My reaction to COVID is one of weariness and caution. I understand the loss of life from a preventable virus as I have had and seen such loss occur within and outside of my own family. It is saddening that it took this long to realize the facts behind the virus that has affected so many in different ways. It is also worrisome that the US has been touted as a healthcare superpower and yet the daily cases rate is not closer to other developed countries such as Germany, Italy, or even the United Kingdom. Regarding my plans for post-grad, I have been fortunate that my internship this summer was able to be moved virtually and that materialized into a full-time job but understand and recognize that has not been the trend for many across OSU’s campus and the world. As I am graduating early, it has certainly impacted my plans from graduation until my full-time start date but I would like to make the most of this situation by adapting plans to fit within the safety guidelines that already exist.

What is your biggest lesson learned from dealing with COVID-19 and its unique effects?

My biggest lesson learned from COVID would be the need to willingly exaggerate empathy in order to be the best versions of ourselves. This situation highlights the need for humanity to be united to succeed at defeating an enemy that has been able to drastically change all aspects of life in a matter of months. Dealing with the effects of COVID and the ability for it to be so contagious has pushed my focus inwards onto protecting my vulnerable loved ones and everyone else around me. That way, I hope everyone can view this as a human issue and choose to protect their fellow man rather than not. In the end, that mindset is our only hope as the potency and effects of potential medical treatment have not been studied nor effectively reviewed for there to be enough confidence in a vaccine.

What are your personal reactions/feelings towards the current political climate and how has it impacted you?

My personal reactions to the current political climate would be that of disgust and disillusionment with the state of current affairs. It seems that the only important thing today is not to do right by all people but to divide and use said division to harm those that do not agree with your viewpoint. Currently, this climate does nothing for me as it was unfortunately designed with my success in mind. As a white male, I understand and can see the privilege that those demographic traits have provided in my life and within this system. As a result, this power from privilege is something I want to work towards improving others’ lives rather than my own. I think then we will be able to focus on government’s true goal of serving the people it should equally represent rather than only serving those in control of said government.

What changes do you hope to see moving forward in the area of political discourse and discord?

I would thoroughly enjoy seeing term limits in Congress or other legislative areas. Public service is the idea of actively serving the peoples’ interests over time and not in pursuit of the next office or maintaining power that has been provided time and time again. I think that way we will have the peoples’ perspective in solving issues as there will be an expiration date rather than having an untethered reign and control of this system. Regarding the party system, I would hope to see fact-checking and extreme scrutiny on behalf of the audience to present a near factual representation of what is actually going and provide the best information to the voter to make their decision. That way, the results should come from all those properly informed on issues and able to represent