Office of Student Life

A Word from the Wise - Tabitha Willis

March 1, 2021

What is the best piece of advice a mentor or mentor figure has given you? How has this advice impacted your life, decisions, and/or goals?

The best advice a mentor has given me was on the topic of complacency. A lot of things in life are about luck. There’s always someone who’s worked harder or smarter than you. Just because you’re the winner today doesn’t mean you’ll be the winner tomorrow. This has always stuck with me and pushed me to always be self improving and never be complacent in success because nothing is ever guaranteed to you.

What is one of your biggest lessons learned since becoming a student at OSU? What is one piece of advice you would give incoming buckeyes?

Since coming to Ohio State the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that you have to be your own biggest advocate. The one person who will always have your back, is you. You define how far you’ll go, what you’ll do, and who you become. One piece of advice I’d give to an incoming buckeye is to create a strong network of mentors, advisors and true friends who can help motivate you to see your strength in moments when you can’t see it in yourself.