Office of Student Life

A Word from the Wise - Simran Ambwani

April 5, 2021

What is the best piece of advice a mentor or mentor figure has given you? How has this advice impacted your life, decisions, and/or goals?

One piece of advice a mentor told me is that in college is that I must prioritize my time well because I will not have time for everything. There are so many opportunities to grow at OSU and sometimes there is pressure to be overly involved. But, figuring out what you want to dedicate your time to in college will help with your overall experience and life goals. It will help you become passionate about things and help you figure out more of your identity and purpose in life. College is all about making decisions for yourself and figuring out what is important to you. So, even though it may take some time, figure out what is important to you and focus on that. This has impacted my life, decisions, and goals because it has given me time to reflect on what I am passionate about. Prioritizing my time has allowed me to get involved in things I am interested in and even add a minor that has guided my current career aspirations. Without delegating my time in the correct manner, my life would be different. I am glad I had someone to tell me early on that this is an important part of college. 

What is one of your biggest lessons learned since becoming a student at OSU? What is one piece of advice you would give incoming buckeyes?

One of my biggest lessons learned since becoming a student at OSU is it’s okay to not know what to do, whether that be career-wise or on a daily basis. Most of the students are just as confused as you are, so do not feel alone. You will figure out what you want to do eventually and that may change as time goes on. One piece of advice to give to incoming buckeyes is to get involved and meet people you would not normally be keen to meet. The people that have had the greatest impact on me have been the people I would normally not have talked to in high school. Diversifying the people you meet allows you to grow and have a new experience. You will learn so much from the people around you, so that is why it is important to meet people from all different backgrounds and not simply stick to one group. One way to easily meet people is by getting involved. Get involved in a student organization or a class that you find the slightest bit interesting and I guarantee you will meet someone that will change your life.